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Senior Christian Leaders Ministry Opportunities -Michael Fold in EMS Ministry

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Senior Christian Leaders Ministry Opportunities

Michael I. Folds, Sr. has a revived ministry dream in his late fifties. He is seeking to help out as a bi-vocational Chaplain minister for his local emergency services. Michael resides in the Outer Banks of North Carolina.

He is a 38 year veteran of the profession of Emergency Medical Systems (EMS) and a Nationally Registered Paramedic, a North Carolina Registered Paramedic with an Associates Degree in Emergency Medical Systems.

Senior Christian Leaders Ministry Opportunities – The Critical Incident Stress Management Team

He is serving with  The Critical Incident Stress Management Team here in Dare County, North Carolina which offers counsel and guidance to those Fire, EMS, Police and other first responder providers who are struggling with emotional, motivational, and spiritual issues that arise from caring and handling highly traumatic dramatic and stressful emergency calls.

Christian Leaders Institute has given Michael needed ministry training. Michael commented about the training he has received:

CLI has allowed me to systematically focus on the teachings of Jesus Christ from a new perspective. CLI has given me a new prayer in my heart, and a new devotional discipline of daily study in the word quickly developed. That discipline gave me the most important attribute of my faith, it created in me an openness to the Holy Spirit that I never had before. I was now excited about learning more and more about the Ministry of Jesus Christ… how I could use that knowledge in the missions and ministries I already had  going on in my life. It almost made those missions and ministries seem brand new!!!

Senior Christian Leaders Ministry Opportunities – More Opportunities

There are many Senior Christian leaders who are stepping up to the plate and serving the Lord! The great thing is that senior leaders come to ministry with a great amount of life experience. Christian Leaders Institute training enhances life experience with high-quality ministry training.  Michael commented:

At my age of 59 years young, we all know new things are fun and exciting. I now have a new found energy and attitude with all my ministry ventures. The Holy Spirit is active and big in my life right now.

Michael admitted that when he first heard that Christian Leaders Institute offered “free” training, he was skeptical. He wondered if such a thing even existed. His concerns soon faded:

I was skeptical at first and the “Free Ministry Training” concept was pretty alien to me. But, as I got into it (with the financial restrictions out of the picture), I quickly began to feel secure and comfortable with the instructors, doctors, professors, and the courses they were teaching. Whether intentional or not, I believe that the staff at CLI have developed a system of ministry education where they put out the information along with some tools and let the Holy Spirit do the rest. Along with the spiritual back up of knowing that they are diligently praying for the students. It’s a good system; the Holy Spirit and diligent prayer. It is a win, win, and win!!!

Michael has been ordained as a Minister through the sister organization the Christian Leaders Alliance. The Christian Leaders Alliance ordained nearly 2000 ministers. These ministers are ordained locally in their churches for various ministry roles whether with their church or in their communities.

If ministry training and ordination are something you are called to pursue, Michael endorses Christian Leaders Institute and Christian Leaders Alliance.

Well from an old theater buff, I say Bravo!!! Bravo!!! And Encore!!! CLI and CLA are a very good and Godly opportunity.  I applaud their initiative and courage to put forth a revolutionary system of education and ordination.

Senior Christian Leaders Ministry Opportunities are everywhere!  Michael also serves in his local church, Jarvisburg Church of Christ, as choir director and is active on the Liturgy and Worship Team. Soon he will be fully commissioned as a Deacon Minister in his church assisting the senior pastor in ministry. He is serving as the Music and Drama teacher for Jarvisburg Christian Academy. Wow! God is at work in this senior Christian Leader!


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